
01. The company was founded in 1993

02. Producing smaller balancing machines in 1996

03. Recruited the first employee in 2000

04. Starting of the service of dynamic balancing in 2002

05. Construction of a larger workshop in 2016

Our History

The company was founded by the engineer-entrepreneur Károly Gyarmati in 1993 in Hungary. The first big challenge of the company was the production of a measuring instrument for balancing. In the next few years, a new computer-based device with a new software was developed Many balancing machines were modernized with this specific device. At that time there were no employees at our company.

In 1996, the company started to produce smaller balancing machines. The components were produced in a workshop near the company. In 2000 we built a small workshop, bought some machines and recruited the first employee. In the next few years new balancing machines and measuring tools were constructed, just universal and special balancing machines were created.

In 2002 our company renovated a balancing machine of Schenck, and with this machine we started the service of dynamic balancing. The demand for this service has quickly increased. In 2004 we had to hire a new technician for this field. Companies brought more and more rotors to us for balancing than ever before. The service needed new machines, one for small rotors, one for heavy rotors and one for cardan shafts. All these machines were manufactured by us. Our engineering expertise and constant professional supervision both guaranteed unique quality. Every year thousands of rotors were balanced, in a great variety of size and application.

In 2016, the construction of a new and larger workshop with better infrastructure started. A German company asked us for sample rotors for forestry mulching machines. This client ordered the production of complete rotors. As the samples were approved, we received more and more incoming orders. We had to buy new machines for this purpose. Our new workshop was finished in 2019. The production of large and precisely balanced mulch-rotors became our major business.


The Best Services we provide

consultation education featured image


Only a few schools teach balancing as part of the…

portable transportable balancing machines featured image

Portable/transportable balancing machines

We can provide our balancing machines to the companies that…

balancing with balancing machines at our workshop featured image 1

Balancing with balancing machines at our workshop

We have 8 balancing machines (2021). We have been involved…

balancing machines modernization and reparation featured image

Balancing machines modernization and reparation

We have successfully designed and manufactured more than 100 balancing…

metal processng featured image

Metal processing

For many years we only produced balancing machines, we had…


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